Daejeon Highlights: Johnny's Pub


Part of my series, Daejeon Highlights.

You might’ve heard some jokes about Korean pizza. It’s definitely…different from what we’re used to in America. Forget the tame arguments over pineapple. Prepare yourself for sweet potatoes, broccoli and hidden bites of corn. Many foreigners don’t like it but—unpopular opinion—I actually dig Korean pizza. I mean, maybe not the corn, but it’s an interesting take.

Of course, there’s still Papa John’s and Pizza Hut and Domino’s in Korea. Getting simple pepperoni or cheese is doable, but where do you go if you want really good pizza?

That is, where do you go that’s not in Seoul?

Those in Daejeon go to Johnny’s Pub, a New York style pizza bar in City Hall AND in Gung-dong (yes there’s two!) :

  • City Hall: 대전 서구 둔산로 136 둔산타워

  • Gung-dong: 더자니펍 2호점, 대전 유성구 어은로 48 2층


The main Johnny’s is in City Hall. You’ll head towards Dunsan tower and turn in at the Paris Baguette, passing a million students (lots of hagwons in this area). It’s on the second floor.

The owner studied in the US, and despite how different in style it is from typical Korean pizza, it’s popular with foreigners and Koreans alike. In fact, many Korean moms love to come here while their kids study.


You can buy by-the-slice, but that’s no fun. I usually go with three or more people cause the pies are huge. They serve them up fast with hot sauce (tabasco), parmesan and pepper. Best part is, no corn.

A big pie is around 26,000 and will feed four people comfortably. Or 2 if you’re really, really, really hungry.


The pizza kinda tastes like Monster Pizza in Seoul. If you’ve ever gone clubbing in Hongdae, you’ve probably been there. The cheese is better fare than you normally get in Korea, and the sauce is a little sweet but not overly so.

We also usually order some craft beers too. I’m not crazy about theirs, but you can’t really beat a combo like craft beer and pizza (I sound like a superbowl party host or something but I’m not sorry).


Yeah, that’s pretty much all I got. If you want pizza, come here! I’ve been here so many times—for birthdays, nights out, welcome dinners, etc. It’s woven into the fabric of my foreigner life here, and I’ll never say no to someone offering Johnny’s.


I always say this, but Johnny’s isn’t just good pizza for Korea. No, no backhanded compliments. It’s just good pizza.

As for Chicago deep dish, well…there’s a place right next door in City Hall. It’s alright. Not great, not terrible.

Thanks for reading!